Care Label Chart

It’s hard to believe that in these dog days of summer, the stores are featuring clothes for Autumn and Winter. Maybe it’s because I spend so much time in a hot, steamy dry cleaning plant, but just the thoughts of putting on a heavy woolen garment gives me the willies (where did that come from – that’s a word my grandmother used!) Well, in any event, if you are out shopping – either taking advantage of summer clearance sales or getting ready for the cooler weather – we wanted to remind you about the meaning of those pesky care labels that are sewn into garments.   And remember, a care label that says, “SPOT CLEAN ONLY” is just a nice way the garment manufacturers have of saying: “THIS GARMENT CAN NOT BE SAFELY CLEANED”. So, you want to avoid those if you can. One more thing: We just received a consumer alert from the National Center for Garment Analysis in NYC that we wanted to make you aware of. It’s important, so please take a moment to scroll down and see it.

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